Pixels to Inches Converter

Easy to Use Pixel (px) to Inch (in) Conversion Tool for your All Printing & Designing Needs

In CSS, 1 inch equals to 96 pixels. Hence this tool uses 96 PPI as default for conversion. But if you are doing conversion for any other use than web designing, feel free to change the PPI value above as per your requirement.

Want to convert Pixels to Inches for printing? Switch this tool to for printing mode by clicking on "For Printing" above.

How to Use Our Pixel to Inch Converter & All Its Features?

Select your preferred tool mode. Our pixels to inch conversion tool has two modes for web designing and for printing.

The difference between both is in web designing mode, the tool takes single pixel value as input and converts it to inches. Whereas in printing mode the tool takes two pixel values as input (Width x Height) and output its inches conversion—making it a bit more convenient for you.

Once you are done selecting the right mode for your need, simply enter the pixel value that you want to convert in the pixels box or in pixels width x height boxes if you are in printing mode.

The converter would do the conversion instantaneously as you type values and the converted values in inches are displayed in realtime in the inches box. You don't have to make any extra clicks!

This tool also works vice versa and can do inches to pixels conversion! Enter or modify values in inches box (or inches width x height boxes if you are in printing mode) and the tool will convert it to pixels and display in the pixels box. Convenient, right?

Though, for any reason if you need an inches to pixels converter, we have that too.

P.S. - It also works both the ways!

Another great feature of our tool is it converts and updates px values in realtime with respect to entered in values as you change the PPI.

This is particularly helpful when you want to find out how big your image should be in px to take out a print of say 6" x 4" with 300 PPI resolution.

Pixel to Inch Conversion Chart

Conversions as per 96 PPI

96 px1 in
100 px1.04 in
200 px2.08 in
300 px3.13 in
400 px4.17 in
500 px5.21 in
600 px6.25 in
800 px8.33 in
900 px9.38 in
1000 px10.42 in
1024 px10.67 in
1080 px11.25 in
1200 px12.5 in
1280 px13.33 in
1350 px14.06 in
1400 px14.58 in
1500 px15.63 in
1800 px18.75 in
1920 px20 in
2000 px20.83 in
2048 px21.33 in
2048 px21.33 in
2100 px21.88 in
2160 px22.5 in
2400 px25 in
2500 px26.04 in
2700 px28.13 in
3000 px31.25 in
4000 px41.67 in
6000 px62.5 in
10000 px104.17 in
Conversions as per 96 PPI

Conversions as per 300 PPI

Size in PixelsSize in Inches
360 x 3601.2 x 1.2
400 x 4001.33 x 1.33
480 x 3601.6 x 1.2
600 x 6002 x 2
800 x 12002.66 x 4
800 x 20002.66 x 6.66
800 x 20002.66 x 6.66
960 x 7203.2 x 2.4
1000 x 10003.33 x 3.33
1024 x 7683.41 x 2.56
1080 x 10803.6 x 3.6
1080 x 19203.6 x 6.4
1080 x 13503.6 x 4.5
1200 x 12004 x 4
1200 x 16004 x 5.33
1242 x 22084.14 x 7.36
1280 x 7204.26 x 2.4
1366 x 7684.55 x 2.56
1500 x 21005 x 7
1600 x 4005.33 x 1.33
1728 x 23045.76 x 7.68
1800 x 12006 x 4
1920 x 10806.4 x 3.6
2400 x 30008 x 10
2550 x 33008.5 x 11
3000 x 300010 x 10
3024 x 403210.08 x 13.44
3300 x 255011 x 8.5
3300 x 510011 x 17
3840 x 216012.8 x 7.2
5400 x 360018 x 12
5400 x 720018 x 24
6000 x 400020 x 13.33
9075 x 620130.25 x 20.67
Conversions as per 300 PPI

To do conversions for other pixel, inch or ppi values use the tool above.

How to Convert Pixels to Inches?

The conversion of pixels to inches is a pretty straightforward and simple calculation.

You just have to divide the pixel value that you want to convert with the PPI (Pixels Per Inch).


Inch = Pixel / PPI


Let's say you want to convert 1920 pixels to inches, then as per the formula above you have to divide 1920 with the PPI. Considering PPI as 96, 1920 pixels is 20 inches (because 1920 px / 96 PPI = 20 in)

While the calculation of pixel conversion to inches is pretty easy, deciding PPI for your conversion is the trickiest part as it's not a fixed value and changes depending on the use case.

Read on as we explain in detail what PPI exactly means and how you can determine the PPI value for your use case to accurately convert pixels to inches.

What is PPI?

The abbreviation PPI stands for Pixels Per Inch and it is truly what its name says. It is the number of pixels in a 1 x 1 inch box. More the pixels in that box, the sharper and more detailed the image will look to you.

In simpler terms, higher the Pixels Per Inch (PPI), higher the resolution.

Are PPI & DPI the same?

DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. It is often confused with PPI as both PPI and DPI have very similar meanings, however, PPI is commonly used in digital designs and web, whereas DPI is the term used in printing. It is the value you set to tell the printer how many dots you want it to print per inch.

Again higher the Dots Per Inch (DPI) in your prints, the more detailed your prints would come out.

So are PPI and DPI same? Can you say 300 PPI = 300 DPI?

Well, technically they are not the same as the size of the pixel and the dot printed by the printer are not precisely the same. But in print media people do use PPI and DPI interchangeably and do consider 1 PPI = 1 DPI, so yes you can say 300 PPI = 300 DPI.

How many pixels to an inch?

The number of pixels per inch (PPI) can vary depending on the display device or image resolution. However, a commonly used standard is 96 pixels per inch (PPI). This means that, on average, there are 96 pixels in a linear inch. Please note that specific devices and printing requirements may have different PPI values.

To help you to understand the PPI in more depth, below I have discussed a few common use cases that require converting pixels to inches.

Web Designing (CSS)

You don't have to determine the PPI for web designing, as it is 96px per inch as per the W3C. So if you'd give any element on your webpage the size of 1 inch that would display the same as the element with 96px size (a codepen confirming that). And, it also stays the same on all the devices, irrespective of device size.

Though sizing elements in inches in CSS is not as common, but if for any reason you are using it, and wondering what is the corresponding inches value to any px value then now you know that 1 inch is always equal to 96px in CSS. So you can divide the px value by 96 to get its inch conversion.

Or, you can simply use our tool above to do this conversion quickly.


Determining the PPI for printing depends upon the size of the print and the distance from which it will be looked at.

For instance, if you have to print a billboard of a large size then designing and printing it at even 30 - 40 PPI/DPI would look great as it will be looked at from a distance.

On the other hand, photographs and other print materials like flyers, magazines, etc. which are looked at from a shorter distance are required to be printed at higher resolution, usually between 200 - 300 PPI.

So to take out the print of certain inch size, the image file that's to be printed should be large enough in pixels to ensure the prints come out sharp enough.

Our tool above would help you with all the printing related px ⇄ in calculations.

Editing Graphics & Photos for Web (non-print) Use

The Graphics and photos intended to be viewed on mobile phone and computer screens or used on the web do not need to be of very high resolution. 72 PPI is the value commonly used for editing such media. But for web, lower is always better, as large size images slows the loading speed of the websites.

Finding PPI or size of your device's screen

Most modern device screens these days are 120 PPI and higher. If you want to find your device's PPI then you just have to divide the resolution of your display with the screen size.

If you know the PPI but don't know the size of your screen or its resolution, then you can find the missing value using our tool above.

So, this is how PPI varies with different use cases.

We hope that our pixels to inches converter tool above makes it easy for you to do conversions and you learned something new from this page today.

Thank you for reading!